Reg. No: K 22 of 1974/T.C.L.S.G.S Reg. Act XII of 1955
(Recognized by National Trust-Govt. of India, Reg: No: KASH20519619 and B Grade Special School under Govt. of Kerala)
Asha Bhavan Special School and Home for the children with Special Needs, under the Archeparchy of Changancherry with the support of CMC was established in the year
1972 to provide special education and empower the children with special needs to bring them to the mainstream of life. Currently, Asha Bhavan is B grade school according to state government criteria. The school has the facility to provide special education to 150 students. Our vision is the holistic development of the children with
special needs and to empower them to live a self-reliant and dignified life, and happily integrated into their communities. We cater the needs of each child who come in. The
well-trained and committed staffs, sophisticated therapy units, tidy premises and above all our family atmosphere are conducive to tap the maximum potential in each
child. The school follows the specially designed curriculum and promotion criteria. Now, the Asha Bhavan Special School is one of the comprehensive educational institutions in Kottayam, Kerala, and is going to complete its successful 50 years of service to the community without considering a cast, creed, or religion. We provide
our students with full range of academic, extracurricular and co-curricular opportunities. Our students obtain the best possible opportunity to realize their potential in the classrooms, music, athletics, and in many other areas of interest
including vocational training to lead an independent if they are capable. We provide a rigorous, dynamic academic program and vocational training through which effective educators lead students to take responsibility for learning and become self-reliant.